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«When we look to the future together and begin to appreciate our differences, we realize that diversity enriches our world and that everyone has their own individual potential.


RadicalInclusion develops leadership skills, brings teams closer together and strengthens the individual. This creates a community that masters every challenge in a solution-oriented manner.»


Co-Founder RadicalInclusion

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Portrait Denise Fichter

Denise is a social butterfly who has lived in eight different countries by the time she was in her late 20s. She believes that we can all learn from each other. She uses this attitude to develop teams that can stick together even in turbulent times.


As a young country manager in the male-dominated tech industry, Denise was known for her innovative approaches. She knows how to motivate people to achieve top performance and sees this as the obvious key to success. With empathy and a strong vision, she promotes team spirit and gives space to every voice.


Thanks to her years of business experience, Denise is very practice-oriented. She is characterized by efficiency, a high level of personal responsibility and targeted communication. After many years in sales, she knows how to stay cool in critical situations without losing authenticity. She sees resilience as a muscle that anyone can strengthen with the right training.


As a leadership coach and specialist in diversity and inclusion, she passionately transfers these skills to organizations and leaders who want to break new ground by putting people at the center.

social Black Forest woman in Zurich

Animal lover

Personal    development nerd

Health > Status

good music =
good mood

passionate humor advocate

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